Ross Anderson, Ph.D.

Ross Anderson, Associate Scientist
Ross Anderson, Ph.D., works in education research with a focus on enhancing educators’ beliefs and practices about the creative development of adolescents in school. Ross works to create greater equity in access and opportunities for students marginalized due to their identities related to race, ethnicity, language, sexuality, ability, and family socioeconomic privilege.
During the past five years he has partnered with teaching artists to design intensive professional development and coaching to more than 120 K-12 educators. The theoretical foundation to that work integrates educational psychology, creativity theory, and the role of embodied cognition to the meaning-making process. Ross studies creative development in teaching and learning at three interdependent levels: the school as a learning organization, educators in that ecosystem with unique beliefs, motivations, and growth potential, and individual students as diverse learners developing within the sociocultural context of school.