Enhancing Effectiveness of a Dissonance-Based Obesity Prevention Program
This is a sub-award from Stanford University

Prevention is key for combating obesity, but few programs have prevented future increases in body mass index (BMI) and onset of overweight/obesity, particularly during late adolescence when youth often assume responsibility for dietary intake and exercise choices. One exception is a brief 6-hr dissonance-based group program (Project Health)wherein participants make small lasting incremental lifestyle changes to dietary intake and exercise to reach energy balance. Group participants discuss costs of obesity, an unhealthy diet, and sedentary behavior, and benefits of leanness, a healthy diet, and exercise. These discussions prompt them to align their attitudes with their publically displayed behavior.


Principal Investigator, ORI
Eric Stice
Principal Investigator, Stanford University
Project Start Date


Project End Date


Funding Agency

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

Current Status

Active, not recruiting