Anthony Biglan, Ph.D.

Anthony Biglan, Senior Scientist

Dr. Biglan is a Senior Scientist at ORI and President of Values to Action. He has been researching the development and prevention of child and adolescent problem behavior for the past 40 years. He has conducted numerous experimental evaluations of interventions to prevent tobacco use, high-risk sexual behavior, antisocial behavior, and reading failure through interventions in families, schools, and communities.

His book, The Nurture Effect: How the Science of Human Behavior Can Improve Our Lives and Our World, won an award from the Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis. Based on the accumulated knowledge about what humans need to thrive, Dr. Biglan created Values to Action, a nonprofit organization that helps communities come together around a shared vision and create “Action Circles” to implement evidence-based solutions to their most pressing problems.


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Current Projects

Transforming Adolescent Mental Health through Accessible, Scalable, Technology-Supported Small-Group Instruction

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